Scott Goes On

Created by Deborah 13 years ago
Scott was funny and crazy. He was a "body builder" and a health nut. He stood guard over me at a Jimmy Buffet concert so that I would not get stepped on. He read poetry. In one of his journal entries he wrote.." I am a dreamer and have so much love inside." He goes on to quote Robert Vallet " the human heart feels what the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand" Anyone that knew him also knew that he was deeply worried about loosing his hair. I cant tell you how many pictures he had of the back of his head... But most of all Scott was kind, warm hearted, caring, and a help anybody kind of guy...You know, the one who got everyone to fall in line with his plans just because he was the oldest. One thing that is so special about our family is how open we are with each other. After 9/11, Scott decided to train to become a firefighter because he wanted to help people. We spoke a lot about life and death. We talked about how he did not want to live on life support, and that if anything happened he would want to be an organ donor. Scott said that being an organ donor was sharing your love with others in need. This of course is what he was all about. I told my son that no matter what, I would fight for his survival. I also told him that he was a sausage head to talk about such things at only 25, and when he had children of his own he would understand that you would do everything in your power to save your child. So you see, the decision to let Scott go was the hardest ever, but ultimately it was the only decision I could make because it was what he wanted. After that decision, we learned that Scott had signed up to be an organ donor. We let Scott go on February 18, 2004, and by his love for others he became an organ donor. We have not heard from any of the recipients, but thats ok. We just hope that they are doing well and living life to the fullest..just like Scott. Through Gift of Hope we have met many wonderful recipients who have told us their stories, and are truly happy to hear how their lives were changed. We will always love and miss Scotty.. but now when someone says that one person cannot make a difference in this world, we can let them know that YES one person can make a difference in someones world.